From the same author of the best-seller “Inteligência Emocional – uma abordagem prática”, which is now in its 5th edition, this new work “Gerir Emoções – um guia prático” is a book that explains how emotions arise, the impact they have in our perception, memory and decision-making, presenting us with countless strategies and techniques to manage them to our advantage.
An emotion develops in four major moments and it is in these moments that we can intervene. With this new book by Paulo Moreira, the reader will learn what to do in each of these stages using countless scientific evidence to support the strategies, concrete examples to frame the concepts and several exercises for the reader to work on throughout the reading.
This is not just a book to read. It is also a book to practice.
“Não podemos impedir que as emoções apareçam, é certo, mas podemos escolher o que fazer quando estas surgem.”
– Paulo Moreira, “Gerir Emoções – um guia prático”