Inteligência Emocional – uma abordagem prática

Paulo Moreira
February 14, 2019

In this work the author, a specialist in Emotional Intelligence certified in the three major global trends in the area, explains the importance and impact that Emotional Intelligence has on our lives and gives us 54 very practical techniques that we can apply in our professional and personal lives, in order to be successful and make better decisions. This book comprised the latest scientific discoveries, the knowledge that the author acquired from some of the world’s greatest authorities in the field and the experience gained from his professional practice, thus being a complete and practical manual for us to be able to work and develop our Emotional Intelligence and our emotions.
Paulo Moreira is the founder of the brand “Emotional Intelligence Training” and the CEO of the company EQ-TRAINING LDA, a leader in providing events and training in the area of ​​Emotional Intelligence in Portugal, with private and institutional clients from various sectors of activity, training thousands of people per year. The CEOs of the largest Fortune 500 companies, Neuroscientists, Psychologists, Human Resources Directors and Researchers from the most prestigious Universities in the world know that Emotional Intelligence is one of the most determining factors in achieving professional and personal success.

Books published by Idioteque

Paulo Moreira
February 18, 2022

Gerir Emoções – um guia prático

From the same author of the best-seller “Inteligência Emocional – uma abordagem prática”, which is now in its 7th edition, this new work “Managing Emotions – a practical guide” is a book…
Paulo Moreira
February 14, 2019

Inteligência Emocional – uma abordagem prática

In this work, the author, a specialist in Emotional Intelligence certified in the three major global trends in the area, explains the importance and impact that…


Organizamos eventos nacionais e internacionais (exposições, arte e animação de rua, conferências, design gráfico e multimédia), especialmente na área da cultura, do pensamento, da saúde, do desporto e do grande empresariado mundial. Todos estes trabalhos são acompanhados por uma assessoria de comunicação e de imprensa, nacional e internacional, bem como por uma impactante comunicação online.


We organize national and international events (exhibitions, art and street entertainment, conferences, graphic design and multimedia), especially in the areas of culture, thought, health, sport and global business. All this work is accompanied by national and international communication and press consultancy, as well as impactful online communication.