O tempo entre os nossos dedos

Manuel Andrade
October 14, 2022

“O tempo entre os nossos dedos” is the new novel by Manuel Andrade. A captivating and absolutely touching book that deals philosophically with the time that escapes us, the time that disappears in a flash and that we can no longer recover, the same time that “takes us away”, inexorably and by drag.
At the same time, it is an indelible hymn to life, a sublime ode in prose to the pulchritude that we can glean from existence in the smallest things as well as in acts that are always so ephemeral, simply gleaning all the beauty that can touch us, that which dances around us. , many times unnoticed.
Written over 10 years by the renowned author of the book “Três bichos te esperam, quatro te comerão”, this work is already being considered, by many, as Manuel Andrade’s most fruitful.

“Há que aproveitar o mais possível, tal qual fôssemos tansinhos que já nascemos diminuídos e a bater palmas no ar enquanto nos babamos e aguardamos pelo autocarro derradeiro, paridos para a degenerescência, é o que é, gente que já nasce finita e que, de finitude em finitude, baterá as botas ainda antes que o diabo pisque um olho, sem sequer chegar a saborear o pleno paladar de um dióspiro.”

Books published by Idioteque

Manuel Andrade
October 14, 2022

O tempo entre os nossos dedos

“O tempo entre os nossos dedos” is the new novel by Manuel Andrade. A captivating and absolutely touching book that deals philosophically with the time that escapes us….
Manuel Andrade
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Viagem pela História de Santo Tirso

A comic book that tells the history of the Municipality of Santo Tirso, since the period of prehistory to the present, covering topics such as its geography, its culture…
Manuel Andrade
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Minuto do Palhaço Frente ao Espelho

The writer that Urbano Tavares Rodrigues considered “to delve into the viscera of the human being” and who definitely established himself in Portuguese literature with the novel…
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March 24, 2016

Elogio dos Amantes Derradeiros

“Elogio dos Amantes Derradeiros”, is the new book by Manuel Andrade. This novel is a poetic and rapturous exultation about the wonder of living passion intensely…


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We organize national and international events (exhibitions, art and street entertainment, conferences, graphic design and multimedia), especially in the areas of culture, thought, health, sport and global business. All this work is accompanied by national and international communication and press consultancy, as well as impactful online communication.