Now in book form, the essentials of the conferences that have toured the country and which aim to contribute to cancer literacy and place patients at the center of the discussion. Simplifies concepts about early diagnosis, prevention, scientific advances and latest therapies. It brings together some of the best experts and reflects on lung, breast, colon, prostate, skin cancer, pediatric tumors, leukemia and lymphomas.
“The objective is to inform and clarify some misconceptions about cancer. A well-informed patient is a patient more likely to be cured. Having cancer does not mean dying, and although the number of cancer cases is expected to increase by around 50 percent by 2040, the rate of cancer deaths will fall by around two percent per year, showing that scientific and medical progress in prevention and treatment have yielded results. Information is a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer.”
José Carlos Machado, Director of Ipatimup