O Poder Transformador do Jejum

André Amorim
September 19, 2020

Written by a doctor, Dr. André Amorim, this book presents a Natural, Ancient and Scientific healing method, enhancing weight loss, disease prevention, rejuvenation, increasing vitality, combating stress and inducing better sleep, as well as deeper mental rest, spiritual development, strengthening of the immune system and detoxification of the body. It is a manual that addresses the benefits of Fasting in an accessible, holistic and scientifically supported way. In addition to the medical perspective, the book is also innovative in that it addresses unexplored paths in science, combining experience with measurable results and a more integrative vision of health, or even spirituality, always with reference to great figures in history. of humanity who successfully defended and applied the Fast.
As the author of the preface, Doctor Manuel Pinto Coelho, author of the best-seller “Arrival from new to old”, says, “it brings us a more functional and personalized approach to the human being, focused above all on the causes and only then on the consequences of ailments that afflict him. For all these reasons, this book by my colleague André Amorim is a must-read.”

Books published by Idioteque

André Amorim
April 2, 2024

Comer para evoluir – o guia alimentar para o século XXI

This book does not present one type of diet suitable for athletes, another for businesspeople, another to reverse diseases, another that is more sustainable…
André Amorim
September 19, 2020

O Poder Transformador do Jejum

Written by a doctor, Dr. André Amorim, this book presents a Natural, Ancient and Scientific healing method, enhancing weight loss, prevention…


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We organize national and international events (exhibitions, art and street entertainment, conferences, graphic design and multimedia), especially in the areas of culture, thought, health, sport and global business. All this work is accompanied by national and international communication and press consultancy, as well as impactful online communication.