Tratar o cancro por tu

fnac Norteshopping

May 11, 2024

Launch of the book “Tratar o cancro por tu” – an Ipatimup/Antena 1 book coordinated by Manuel Sobrinho Simões and edited by Luísa Melo, Nuno Ribeiro and Nuno Teixeira Marcos.

Our thanks to fnac and the public that filled the room.

The presentation featured Manuel Sobrinho Simões, Miguel Soares, journalist from Antena 1 and Manuel Andrade, CEO of Idioteque, with intervention by editors Luísa Melo, Nuno Ribeiro and Nuno Teixeira Marcos and video participation by Tiago Alves, journalist from Antena 1.

An Ipatimup/Antena 1 book.


Organizamos eventos nacionais e internacionais (exposições, arte e animação de rua, conferências, design gráfico e multimédia), especialmente na área da cultura, do pensamento, da saúde, do desporto e do grande empresariado mundial. Todos estes trabalhos são acompanhados por uma assessoria de comunicação e de imprensa, nacional e internacional, bem como por uma impactante comunicação online.


We organize national and international events (exhibitions, art and street entertainment, conferences, graphic design and multimedia), especially in the areas of culture, thought, health, sport and global business. All this work is accompanied by national and international communication and press consultancy, as well as impactful online communication.