Soft skills para todos

Fnac, NorteShopping  

October 17, 2024

An excellent explanation by Pedro Silva, author of the work presented, and a memorable presentation by the Founder and CEO of Samsys, Samuel Soares, with a house full to the seams and a highly participative audience – thank you very much!

“Soft skills para todos” – a book that will certainly bring fewer excuses and more skills to its readers, of whom there are so many!


Fnac de Alfragide

November 7, 2024

A memorable presentation of the book “Soft Skills para todos”, by Pedro Silva.

We thank fnac de Alfragide, the entire audience present and Ricardo Costa for the unforgettable talk about the work. Well done!


Organizamos eventos nacionais e internacionais (exposições, arte e animação de rua, conferências, design gráfico e multimédia), especialmente na área da cultura, do pensamento, da saúde, do desporto e do grande empresariado mundial. Todos estes trabalhos são acompanhados por uma assessoria de comunicação e de imprensa, nacional e internacional, bem como por uma impactante comunicação online.


We organize national and international events (exhibitions, art and street entertainment, conferences, graphic design and multimedia), especially in the areas of culture, thought, health, sport and global business. All this work is accompanied by national and international communication and press consultancy, as well as impactful online communication.