Para que servem as mães?

Colégio das Caldinhas

November 26, 2023

Presentation of the book “Para que servem as mães?” by Andreia Leite, with illustration by Érica Vasconcelos. An Idioteque edition, as always present in the most relevant bookstores in the country.
Our thanks to the readers and friends of the authors for their expressive presence, to Colégio das Caldinhas, to the Lady Councilor for Culture, Ana Maria Ferreira, to Diário de Santo Tirso, in the person of the journalist Rui Miguel, to the musician Emanuel Dias and to the presenter of work, Vítor Fernandes.

Images by Rui Miguel.


Fontainhas Kindergarten

February 18, 2024

Presentation of the book “Para que servem as mães?” by Andreia Leite, with illustration by Érica Vasconcelos, at the Fontainhas Kindergarten, in Vila das Aves.


S. Rosendo School

May 2, 2024

As part of the week leading up to Mother’s Day, this morning the presentation of the book “Para que servem as mães?”, by Andreia Leite, took place at S. Rosendo school, at the invitation of teacher Ana Jerónimo.


Organizamos eventos nacionais e internacionais (exposições, arte e animação de rua, conferências, design gráfico e multimédia), especialmente na área da cultura, do pensamento, da saúde, do desporto e do grande empresariado mundial. Todos estes trabalhos são acompanhados por uma assessoria de comunicação e de imprensa, nacional e internacional, bem como por uma impactante comunicação online.


We organize national and international events (exhibitions, art and street entertainment, conferences, graphic design and multimedia), especially in the areas of culture, thought, health, sport and global business. All this work is accompanied by national and international communication and press consultancy, as well as impactful online communication.