4th conference 2024: Covilhã | endocrine tumors

The third podcast of “Tratar o cancro por tu – 2024”, relating to the Covilhã session, dedicated to endocrine tumors, is now available on RTP Play.

With Manuel Sobrinho Simões, pathologist, founder and president of Ipatimup, specialist in diagnosis and research in thyroid cancer; Paula Soares, biologist, professor of biopathology at the Faculty of Medicine at Uni. Porto and coordinator of the cancer signaling and metabolism group at Ipatimup/I3S; Luis Cardoso, doctor and endocrinologist at the Uni hospital center. from Coimbra and researcher at I3S.

Special participation: Colibri Arts & Culture

Moderation: Tiago Alves and Miguel Soares

It can be heard at: https://www.rtp.pt/play/p9897/e755927/tratar-o-cancro-por-tu

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